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Nimble Division Supports “Engineers Without Borders”

Nimble Division believes that helping those in need is one of the greatest gifts it can bestow the world.

This thinking has inspired the Nimble team to partner with Rotaract at the United Nations in financially supporting The City College of New York’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB).

The challenges facing developing nations are great, and EWB continues to play a critical role in enhancing the lives of all that they touch by improving water quality and supply, and providing education about the importance of sanitation. EWB organizes and sends volunteer groups, comprised mainly of college students and NPO groups, to locations across the globe in order to assist infrastructure development, and educational initiatives.

One project that is underway directly affects the day-to-day lives of more than 4,000 individuals living in the coastal town of Tegucigalpita. Here, the Engineers Without Borders volunteers are developing a plan that will be put in place for the village that forecasts needs over the next 8-10 years.  Steps will be taken to supply the immediate need for water on hot days, upgrade the pipeline, upgrade the current tank as needed, build a second tank if necessary, and calculate losses in the system. Social education projects will include water conservation, and public health assessment.

Nimble Division knows that communities in developing nations as well as those in the developed world will shape the future. By providing those in need with tools to grow, and thrive, we all will benefit in the end.

This post originally appeared on

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