Simply put, video is the most dynamic communication tool available in today’s complex media marketplace.
Video inclusion is also an important factor in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) calculations for your online presence, and will increase audience engagement between 200-300%. What does that mean? Video will help prospects find you and keep them active with your brand so that you can turn them into customers.
To do it right, video marketing requires close collaboration between professionals of varying disciplines – casting agents, producers, writers, lighting techs, audio mixers, animators, editors and more. The most impactful videos are strategically grounded throughout the process from storyboard to sound design.
So, the question becomes, “What type of video should I produce?”
Brands and Businesses of all types can benefit from video production.
A Variety of Options:
Explainer/Tutorial Videos – Make your product or service easy to understand with step-by-step instructions. Great for complex products or recipes. You can also use this type of video to develop a leadership position for your brand. (Example:
Product Reviews – Instill confidence with your target market by developing and set of professional reviews that set an example for others to follow. This will help set a high bar for user-generated content. (Example:
Video PSAs – You don’t need to be running a national or political campaign to have use for a Public Service Announcement. As content-consumers ourselves, we know that to-the-point video messaging sets up a very effective call to action. (Example:
Culture Videos – Companies have really taken to using video to help give outsiders a glimpse into their culture – in motion. (Example:
Testimonials – It is all too easy to say one thing and do another. A video testimonial shows your customers that other customers vouch for your brand. Remember, digital is just a tool. People are behind every decision, so why not show some real people talking about you? (Example:
Social Media Video – Nothing is more easily shareable and engaging than video on the major social media platforms. Don’t take it from us, have a look, you’ll find loads of well-done video. (Example:
Use Case Examples:
A B2B company that sells construction equipment to contractors.
For those brands that sell specific products, tutorial videos and product reviews are excellent concepts to implement. Publish a how-to video showcasing the steps to laying tile in a new kitchen, or best practices for refurbishing a backyard garden. Highlight the products showcased in these tutorials with video reviews, detailing both the positives and negatives of each product. Sponsorship opportunities abound for those companies looking for a knowledgeable company to talk favorably about their construction product.
A Creative Agency looking to showcase their work.
Sounds like someone we know! When it comes to video, case studies make the greatest impact in testimonials and culture videos. Testimonials allow viewers to go behind-the-scenes and hear stories from those who worked on the ground floor of each project. Accompanied by shots of employees working together, viewers can instantly grasp the collaborative work environment that helped bring concepts to life. Culture videos have a similar aim, but with a more inward focus towards the brand. These videos are best for expressing a brand’s unique personality, what makes it attractive to work for, and the bright minds that make the brand successful.
A brand with a strong social media presence.
While some social media platforms welcome videos of all lengths, it is recommended that videos remain as short as possible so as to garner maximum exposure. Instagram and Vine, for example, ensure that their messages are short by limiting timing to 15 and 6 seconds respectively. Edit portions of existing, longer videos so that they fit a format that is easily digestible by your audience. Social media videos can also be used a teasers for longer-length features.
When creating a video, ask yourself: will my customers enjoy watching this video? Videos are meant to inform and entertain, and today’s technology makes it that much easier to enjoy this high-quality content. While you want to keep videos short and to the point, each one should contain the following key ingredients: personality, calls to action, and directions for further engagement. A seasoned production and post house will ensure that your message is clearly defined, unique to your brand, and aesthetically pleasing. Your brand must exude professionalism and personality at every touchpoint, and video is no exception.
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